Someone Else's Shoes
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A radical change: Allan Cowburn

Always identifying as an outsider in his own family, much of Allan’s youth was characterised by anger, rebellion and drug abuse. In a fit of rage 12-year-old Allan cried out, “one day, I’m going to kill someone,” not realising that he would later do 8 years in prison for murder. But a chance meeting in prison, completely changed the course of his life.

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 The Pluralist: Muheeb Hoque

Born in Bangladesh, growing up in Thailand, but now living in Australia - Muheeb Hoque’s modern view of Islam has been shaped by living in different parts of the world. Despite his own hardships, he feels strongly about the hardship of others and so has started his own social enterprise, called The Pluralist.

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Helping the homeless: Karyn Walsh

As the CEO of Micah Projects, a not-for-profit, Karyn Walsh is on a mission to end homelessness. After a love / hate relationship with the Catholic church throughout her youth, Karyn has an unconventional take on Catholicism as a member of a church in exile, which focuses on social justice.

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A progressive perspective: Jonathan Keren-Black

Originally from the UK, Jonathan is a Progressive Jewish Rabbi in Melbourne. Despite Judaism being one of the world’s oldest religions, Jonathan’s views are refreshing and surprisingly progressive, but at the same time highlight why the the core message of Judaism is still relevant to the world today.

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Freedom has no price: Jawad


Jawad is a Hazara Muslim who fled ethnic cleansing in Pakistan. After a 5 month journey to Australia, followed by one and a half years in a detention centre, Jawad is still navigating the emotional hardships of the journey and his decision to leave his family. 


listen to a sneak preview 
